Chronic Conditions That Can Be Helped With Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana is a natural alternative to a variety of prescription drugs that have a variety of harmful side effects, including death.
People often overlook Medical Marijuana because they see it as illegal and it has become a taboo in our culture.
But really what are the side effects to Marijuana?
You get tired easier, you might be more fatigued and lazy, but sometimes that can be just the medicine you are looking for.
Various cancer medications are experimental, and sometimes the side effects include death. Medical Marijuana can help patients going threw chemotherapy digest food easier, and relax a little bit after going through treatment.

Medical Marijuana can help with a variety of other illnesses.

Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D. has created "Dr. Tod's List" - Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis.

Check out the illnesses below and if you are currently experiencing any of them, look up the prescription drug used to aid the ailment and check the harmful side effects and compare them to Medical Marijuana.

Society has made Marijuana Taboo, but it actually has been a proven deterrent of illnesses since 800 bc.

Do your research and if you are thinking of using medical marijuana, contact your doctor.

You can check out the blog at for more information on doctors and dispensaries in your area.

Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis

Genital Herpes 054.10
Herpetic infection of penis 054.13
AIDS Related Illness 042
Post W.E. Enephalitis 062.1
Chemotherapy Convales V66.2
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) 053.9
Radiation Therapy E929.9
Viral B Hepatitis, chronic 070.52
Viral C Hepatitis, chronic 070.54
Other arthropod bone disease 088
Lyme Disease 088.81
Reiters Syndrome 099.3
Post Polio Syndrome 138.0
Malignant Melanoma 172.9
Other Skin Cancer 173
Prostate Cancer 186
Testicular Cancer 186.9
Adrenal Cortical Cancer 194.0
Brain malignant tumor 191
Glioblastoma Multiforme 191.9
Cancer, site unspecified 199
Lympho & reticular ca 200
Myeloid leukemia 205
Uterine cancer 236.0
Lymphoma 238.7
Graves Disease** 242.0
Acquired hypothyroidsm 244
Thyroiditis 245
Diabetes Adult Onset 250.0
Diabetes Insulin Depend. 250.1
Diabetes Adult Onset Uncontrolled 250.2
Diabetic Renal Disease 250.4
Diabetic Ophthalmic Disease 250.5
Diabetic Neurpathy 250.6
Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease 250.7
Hypoglycemia(s) 251
Lipomatosis 272.8
Arthropathy, gout 274.0
Mucopolysaccharoidosis 277
Porphyria 277.1
Amyloidosis 277.3
Obesity, exogenous 278.00
Obesity, morbid 278.01
Autoimmune disease 279.4
Hemophilia A 286.0
Henoch-Schoelein Purpur 287.0
Senile Dementia+ 290.0
Delerium Tremens+ 291.0
Schizophrenia(s) 295.x
Schizoaffective Disorder 295.7
Mania 296.0
Major Depression, Single Episode 296.2
Major Depression, Recurring 296.3
Bipolar Disorder 296.6
Autism/Aspergers 299.0
Anxiety Disorder+ 300.00
Panic Disorder+ 300.01
Agoraphobia 300.22
Obsessive Compulsive Di. 300.3
Dysthymic Disorder 300.4
Neurasthenia 300.5
Writers’ Cramp**** 300.89
Impotence, Psychogenic 302.72
Alcoholism+ 303.0
Opiate Dependence+ 304.0
Sedative Dependence+ 304.1
Cocaine Dependence+ 304.2
Amphetamine Depend 304.4
Alcohol Abuse+ 305.0
Tobacco Dependence 305.1
Psychogenic Hyperhidrosi 306.3
Psychogenic Pylorospas** 306.4
Psychogenic Dysuria 306.53
Bruxism 306.8
Stuttering* 307.0
Anorexia Nervosa 307.1
Tic disorder unspecific 307.20
Tourette's Syndrome 307.23
Persistent Insomnia 307.42
Nightmares 307.47
Bulemia 307.51
Tension Headache 307.81
Psychogenic Pain 307.89
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 309.81
Organic Mental Disorder hd inj 310.1
Post Concussion Sydrome 310.2
Nonpsychotic Organic Brain Disorder 310.8
Brain Trauma 310.9
Intermittent Explosive Disorder 312.34
Trichotillomania 312.39
ADD w/o hyperactivity 314.00
ADD w hyperactivity 314.01
ADD other 314.8
Pschogenic PAT 316.0
Parkinsons Disease 332.0
Huntingtons Disease+ 333.4
Restless legs syndrome 333.99
Friedreich’s Ataxia 334.0
Cerebellar Ataxia 334.4
Spinal mm atrophy II 335.11
Amytrophic Lateral Sclero 335.2
Other spinal cord disease 336
Syringomyelia 336.0
Reflex Sympath Dystroph 337.2
Multiple Sclerosis 340.0
Other CNS demyelinating 341
Hemiparesis/plegia 342
Cerebral Palsy+ 343.9
Quadriplegia(s) 344.0x
Paraplegia(s) 344.1x
Paralysis, unspecific 344.9
Epilepsy(ies)+ 345.x
Grand Mal Seizures** 345.1
Limbic Rage Syndrome** 345.4
Jacksonian Epilepsy** 345.5
Migraine(s)+ 346.x
Migraine, Classical+ 346.0
Cluster Headaches 346.2
Compression of Brain 348.4
Tic Doloroux+ 350.1
Bell’s palsy 351.0
Thoracic Outlet Synd 353.0
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 354.0
Mononeuritis lower limb 355
Charcot-Marie-Tooth 356.1
Neuropathy+ 357
Muscular dystrophies 359
Macular Degeneration** 362.5
Glaucoma 365.23
Dyslexic Amblyopia** 368.0
Color Blindness* 368.55
Conjuctivitis 372.9
Drusen of Optic Nerve 377.21
Optic neuritis 377.30
Strabismus & other binoc 378
Nystagmus, Congenital 379.5
Meniere's Disease 386.00
Tinnitus 388.30
Hypertension+ 401.1
Ischemic Heart Disease 411.X
Angina pectoris 413
Arteriosclerotic Heart Dis 414.X
Cardiac conduction disord 426.X
Paroxysmal Atrial Tach** 427.0
Post Cardiotomy Syndrom 429.4
Raynaud’s Disease 443.0
Thromboangiitis Obliteran 443.1
Polyarteritis Nodosa 446.0
Acute Sinusitis 461.9
Chronic Sinusitis 473.9
Chronic Obst Pulmo Dis 491.90
Emphysema 492.8
Asthma, unspecific 493.9
Pneumothorax, Spontaneo 512.8
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis
Dentofacial anomaly pain
T.M.J Sydrome
GastroEsophgeal Rflx Dis
Acute Gastritis
Peptic Ulcer/Dyspepsia
Colitis, Ulcerative
Pylorospasm Reflux
Regional Enteri & Crohns
Colon diverticulitis
Irritable Bowel Synd.
Dumping Syndrome Post Surgery
Peritoneal pain
Ureter spasm calculus
Testicular torsion
Pelvic Inflammatory Dis
Premenstrual Syndrome
Pain, Vaginal
Menopausal syndrome
Sturge-Weber Disease
Epidermolysis Bullosa
Erythma Multiforma
Psoriatic Arthritis
Pruritus, pruritic
Atrophy Blanche
Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syn.
Arthritis, Rheumatoid
Felty’s Syndrome
Arthritis, Degenerative
Arthritis, post traumatic
Arthropathy, Degenerative
Patellar chondromalacia
Multiple joints pain
Intervertebral Disk Disease
L-S disk disorder sciatic nerve irritation
IVDD Cerv w Myelopathy
Cervical Disk Disease
Cervicobrachial Syndrome
Lumbosacral Back Diseas
Spinal Stenosis
Lower Back Pain
Peripheral enthesopathies
Dupuytens Contracture
Muscle Spasm
Tietze’s Syndrome
Cerebral Aneurism
Spina Bifida Occulta
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Ehlers Danlos Syndrom
Nail patella syndrome
Peutz-Jehgers Syndrome
Darier’s Disease
Marfan syndrome
Sturge-Weber Eye Syndrome
Sleep Apnea
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Tremor/Invol Movements
Myofacial Pain Syndrome
Pain, Ureter
Vertebral dislocation unspecific
Back Sprain
Shoulder Injury Unspec
Fore Arm/Wrist/Hand
Knee, ankle & foot injury
Motion Sickness
Anaphylactic or Reaction
Trachoria Growths